Parent-Child Memories ~ Author Biographies
K. Being, author of “Longing”
I still love climbing trees, watching sunsets, and eating homemade-from-scratch scalloped potatoes. Longing continues to lead me to many surprising places.
Victoria Moo Briddell, author of “Chocolate and Mink”

I live in Mount Airy, Maryland with my husband, fellow seeker and best friend, Don. I participate in the Hilltop Writers and Sophia Writers groups, working in memoir and short story genres. In my writing I am seeking to express universal truth through personal experience. Having lived in several different countries I consider myself a citizen of the world. I have studied and practiced Yoga Vedanta for forty-four years in India and the USA and currently teach yoga in Frederick, Maryland. My children, Matt and Christiana, enrich my life with inspiration and support.
Corby Caffrey-Dobosh, author of “Personality”

I live in a rural coal-mining town in Southwestern Pennsylvania, down the road from where I was raised and where my parents still live. Our home is two hundred years old, and the family burial plots and headstones of the original owners are visible in our back yard. My most sacred work is as wife-soul-mate to my beloved Doug, and momma to Finnegan, Caleb, and Ruah. I help children who have structural and personal difficulties as they navigate through an educational system indifferent to diversity. At Waynesburg University, I instruct Sociology and Psychology courses.
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Dena Clayton, editor, Love Revealed books

I believe we all share a life’s purpose of learning to give and receive more love. I bow to the reality of billions of hearts healing via the Love Revealed books. In 3 weekly telephone classes, I teach a powerful mindfulness meditation called Samyama; people around the world can follow these guided meditations and experience how to live from the Heart. Occasionally, I am available for psychotherapy with individuals by phone. Ten years ago, a passion emerged: joining friends for evenings of 10-minute writing exercises. Today, I enjoy the Hilltop Writers circle in Frederick County, Maryland. www.denaclayton.com
Sindee Ernst, author of “Her Town”
I am a writing enthusiast who believes everyone has a story to tell. I created the on-line group memoir writing experience, Memoir Medley, to support other writers. My work has appeared in Tiny Lights, Passager Journal, The Urbanite Magazine, Writing It Real, and Keeping Time: 150 years of journal writing. I love traditional music and dancing of all sorts and play the banjo, write fiddle tunes, and perform with the traditional sword dance group Charm City Rapper. On the side I work as an Integrative Breathing Practitioner and am the Administrative Assistant for The Leadership in Baltimore. www.memoirmedley.com
Susan Gordon, author of “A Letter to Liz at the New Year”

I am a poet and a prose writer of memoir and fiction. I am currently at work on a memoir-based dictionary inspired by my daughter, Liz Gordon, who died of heart disease at age 34. This memoir also celebrates my younger daughter, Miriam, and the family Miriam and I have become. I am a member of a number of writing communities and host the Hilltop Writers. I work as a licensed clinical addictions counselor. I live with my dogs on a 41-acre farm in Ijamsville, Maryland.
Krishnakamini, author of “At Long Last”

I live and practice in an enchanted little cottage, up a hollow, in Fort Ashby, WV. I consider myself a lifelong student and practitioner of the Healing Arts. I also enjoy gardening and preserving the harvest of vegetables and herbs. Along with my practice, I feel that part of my life’s work is teaching others, by example, that of simple living and high spiritual thinking.
Nancy Kern, author of “Banana Man”

I write memoir to explore the complexities of the human heart. Our need to survive drives us to fight threats against and struggle against obstacles. Seemingly in contrast with the drive to fight to survive is a deep need for peace that comes through mercy, compassion and surrender. I teach a meditative process to support my students’ emotional, spiritual and creative needs at the Spectrum Center of Houston, and the Jung Center. I am grateful to the Spectrum Center Writers’ Guild and especially to Max Regan for his mentoring. www.nancykern.com
Carol Lackman-Smith, author of “Darkness to Light”
I live in Mount Airy, Maryland, and have worked as a microbiologist for 30 years. I started writing 2 ½ years ago after my next door neighbor’s house exploded. Since that time, I have been extremely fortunate to be a member of two wonderfully supportive writing groups: the Hilltop Writers and Sophia Writers.
Alison Melotti-Cormack, author of “Twenty-Seven”
It was a dark and stormy night in Adana, Turkey when my daughter, Alex, was born.
We considered calling her Storm. She is now a talented young woman seeking her path through this life and it was a pleasure to write this story about her. I am a writer, educator, and former world traveler living in West Virginia. I write both fiction and nonfiction and am working on a memoir and a fiction story tentatively titled “The Vorsinger.”
Marilyn Finch Williams, author of “How God Works”

I have been a psychotherapist for 27 years, but my most important job has been that of parenting Kathleen, 25 and Samuel, 19. Being a mother opened places in my heart I didn’t know I had. I am now exploring the mysteries of empty nest with my granddogs and taking advantage of the time to develop my writing. In my private practice, I help
people use their stories to heal and live more fully, using neurofeedback technology to assist them in extraordinary transformations. www.cardinalcenterforhealing.com