
Your Messages to Dads – Granddaddy’s Flowers

June 2, 2013

As we get ready for Father’s Day weekend, you are invited to write a sentence or a few sentences to or in memory of your father and/or any father figures you hold dear. By 4:00 p.m., Eastern U.S., Wednesday, June 12th, please send me a comment with “Father’s Day” in the subject line. You are […]

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Musical Memories of Yesteryear

April 22, 2013

Several weeks ago, I listened to a weekly public radio show on creativity called The Spark, on WMRA. Martha Woodroof, the program’s host, read an essay she wrote, titled “The Great Hank Williams Died Here. So Drunk.” Another version of the story was in an article she had written that was published in the New […]

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