Christmas Book Sale – Dec. 14 & 15

by dena on December 14, 2012

You can join the excitement at the Book Sale going on over at Partly my enthusiasm is due to 2 of our Love Revealed books being in the Sale – – and partly it is for all the savings being offered on other books!

There are over 60 books from multiple genres that are listed for Free or Reduced Price during the days of the sale – December 13th through the 15th, 2012 – AND the folks over at are going to be giving 1 lucky reader a free $25 Amazon gift card to get even more books for themselves or to give as gifts this holiday season.

Mother-Daughter Memories: Love Revealed is Free, and Parent-Child Memories: Love Revealed is 2/3 off at only $0.99 – – through Sat., Dec. 15th!

Besides our memoir anthologies, authors such as Congressman Joe Pitts, Dr. Minette Riordan, and international speaker and bestselling author Janet Perez Eckles are a few of the names that readers will see on books  included in this sale. The books range from novels to business strategy to travel and are from both self published and traditionally published authors.

Readers can save up to $200 on books during this sale, so I recommend checking it out by visiting – and while you’re there, you can enter to win the $25 gift card.


Wishing you heartfelt moments for your holidays,

~ Dena Clayton, Publisher

Blissings, Dena

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