What if I told you there was a simple way to experience more love and joy in your life?
Maybe you feel there is something missing. Perhaps you feel a bit disconnected from yourself, from others, or from joy and love. Have you ever wondered what happened to the passion for life you once felt?
I invite you to play with a simple experiment that has helped me.
Part 1)
Ask yourself, “When do I experience love or joy?”
These can be little, momentary glimpses of when a flash of happiness occurs, when your heart feels more open. You are not searching for your complete history here. Finding two or three examples is a terrific start.
See what arises – maybe an idea, memory, image, sensation.
Are there any surprises?
Here are a couple from my list.
– A toddler shared a 100-watt smile with me from his seat in a grocery cart.
– My 93-year-old father said, “I love you,” as he walked into the kitchen this morning.
Part 2)
At the end of the day, you might ask yourself, “When did I feel love or joy today?”
I like to write a word or two to identify each example. If writing is not your cup of tea, then you can say it or think it to yourself, or draw it or sing it. The how is less important than the acknowledgement.
Skeptical? I was too, at first. Yet, the more I played with this experiment, the more that skepticism was replaced by love and joy.
I invite you to play with this experiment for a week, and see if it makes a difference. Each time I notice and acknowledge love or joy showing up in my life, I expand both my awareness and my experience of joyful and/or loving moments. In a sense, when we do this, we are putting out the Welcome mat for more loving moments to show up in our lives.
Blissings, Dena
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