How did the Story Sharing by Heart tele-circles begin?
Several years ago, I had an idea to write a book of moments I’d lived during my husband’s illness, the weeks approaching his death, and the first eighteen months of widowhood. As I wrote and brought some of the stories to people, I noticed leaps in my own heart healing.
Whether you lost your Beloved recently or long ago, you are welcome to consider joining a 4-session tele-circle I call Story Sharing by Heart.
You can bring your tender heart into a compassionate space on our calls. While each woman’s life circumstances are uniquely her own, all of us are in a journey of initiation we did not choose. This past March marked the beginning of the twelfth year of my journey.
This circle is for women widowed recently or for many years, and for women who were or were not married to their Beloveds.
When I began attending a bereavement support group shortly after my husband’s death, it occurred to me I now belonged to a tribe called “widows” – that dreaded word. I discovered comfort and bonding as we shared our difficult stories together. A level of understanding developed among us that went beyond words.
- At times, do you feel as if your heart keeps breaking, over and over?
- Are you haunted by certain memories of your Beloved’s illness or dying time?
- How might your life be if you can connect with other widows in the challenges of living without your Beloved by your side?
I offer you a safe space to bring your sorrows, your fears, your despairs, and your ideas for the future. Experience support through sharing some of your stories and by witnessing those from other women.
Sharing by heart creates heart healing.
In tele-sessions, we have guided meditation for relaxing and for calling forth stories to be shared. I offer a few writing prompts for a 10-minute writing exercise. These are based on wide possibilities of experiences, feelings, wonderings. Then, each woman can choose to read her story while the rest of us witness in silence.
No prior storytelling nor writing skills are required. This is not a class. It is a compassionate vessel for heart healing.
These precious stories are shared from heart to heart. No feedback comments of praise or criticism are given. My experiences of these group calls have encompassed a deep sense of community, healing, and safety.
Logistics of Cost & Other Details
New circles are forming now.
Each tele-circle meets by phone 4 times, for 75 minutes per group call.
There will be a maximum of 6 participants per circle.
If you are interested, please email me. I will arrange circle calls based on participants’ schedule availability.
Suggested fee is $25 U.S. per call or $85 if all 4 calls are paid at once.
No one is declined for financial reasons. (See payment buttons, below)
Pay 1 session at a time ($25); or all 4 ($85) |
Another resource that might interest you is the eBook, Living Through Grief: Love Revealed. Click the title to reach its page on, $2.99.
Blissings, Dena
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