Mother’s Day Messages from Readers: Love Revealed

by dena on May 10, 2013


In answer to my recent invitation for Mother’s Day greetings to moms and mother figures, to those living and those in spirit, a number of people responded. As the following tributes and recollections arrived, my heart was touched and gladdened by the love revealed in each of them.

*** With ever-lasting love to my mother, of blessed memory, Kitty with the azul blue eyes, when I dip my finger into your eye shadow and put the tiniest bit onto my own eyelid, your feisty spirit comes alive!

In grateful memory of my three mothers-in-law, the women who carried on for Kitty nurturing me through the growth stages of my life: beautiful Lunette calling me “suga” while sharing the magic of her soul food cooking; erudite Demitrius combining her passion for teaching with gospel song; traditional dancer Delphine who schooled me on the pow wow trail!

Irene Packer-Halsey

*** My mother made me practice the piano, set the table, dust the furniture and clean my room. She read poetry and Lamb’s Shakespeare to me, she sang to me and hugged me, too.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom, wherever you are.

With love,

Ellie, lives in Alabama, grew up in Virginia.

*** To honor my mother, Gloria Irene Clayton. I remember that my mother used to sing to me. She loved music! She used to sing while she cleaned house, guess it made the chore a little easier somehow. I still remember some of the songs. One favorite was, “How Much Is that Doggie in the Window,” recorded by Patti Page.

Andrea Clayton Flynn, in Florida

*** My dearest and only mother left this earthly life over 36 years ago. I now know that the time with her was short and so many things and experiences did not occur between us.

“Mom, I love you and know you always live in my heart. I bring you with me wherever I go.”

Love, your chip off the old block daughter, Judith

*** Thank you, Mother, for inspiring my creativity. I had a memory of a time when we lived in Burke, after college, and my father was out of town for a few days on business. Mother and I transformed the guest bedroom with newly sewn drapes (toile design with a couple of hints of extra color–a bit of red and some chartreuse) and pale apple green paint. I don’t recall what else we did, but we were very proud of the re-decoration, as was my father when he returned home and saw the fresh results! That may have been part of the motivation behind my life-long love of creative expression with paint and fabric.

With gratitude and love,

*** Gibbie, my childish name for my grandmother, gave me her full attention and by her responses I knew she was observing both what I was saying as well as how I said it. She seemed to understand and accept my wild self. She appreciated that I would never live as in a made to order role for a woman and that was okay with her. Even after twenty-four years, there are days when I just have to talk to her as if she is still here. I feel comforted by those conversations.

Mari is a writing coach, publicist, and author of Lightning Strikes Twice, her 2nd poetry book.

*** One of the many things I am thankful for is the wonderful generous nature of my mother and the great example she set for me. She was always thinking about other people and saying a kind word of sympathy. She loved to shop and knew all the sales people and all their trials and tribulations. She would buy lots of things and when you visited her, she would give you a gift.

It was wonderful being with her – we would exchange a look and a world of meaning would be exchanged – we shared that Irish insight.

So when people thank me for being thoughtful, I say, “I had a wonderful mother!”


*** Mom, I remember you when wildflowers bloom and when I’m curled up in soft lamplight late at night reading a mystery I think you would have liked. I remember you in rich laughter and the color yellow, Christmas decorations and Broadway tunes. I remember you at Mother’s Day and Easter, at your birthday and mine, and so many times throughout the year.

*** To Mom, I liked everything about you. I remember you used to sing hymns around the house, “Rock of Ages” was one of many I liked to hear you sing. I am thinking of you on Mother’s Day.

Love, Johnny
in Virginia

*** To my Mommy:
You were my first home…I remember being two, waiting in the crib, watching the rain pelt and the wind sashay the newly budded trees. Your hair brushes my cheek, I wrap around you as babies do, you pull me close. You smell warm and safe. Home.

To my Cosmic Mommy:
You did not birth me. Not in the biological sense. You have not spent much earthly time with me. But you know me. You love me. You encourage my voice. And you taught me the depth of love when I saw you loving Ron. I am grateful to the Mother for crossing our paths.

Corby Caffrey-Dobosh, Pennsylvania

*** Deep appreciation for my family lineage of mothers in spirit: for my mother, Fran; my grandmothers, Lillie Jane and Nettie; for my aunts, Feltorus, Dorothy, Kiddy, Jeannette, Anna, and Irene. I hold sweet memories of each of you tenderly in my heart.

Aunt Malverda, I am grateful for your constant love and welcoming presence throughout my whole life. I look forward to being with you this weekend for Mother’s Day.

Love always, Dena

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Love Revealed books available on the Home Page:money+plant+MtSolon+2013

Mother-Daughter Memories: Love Revealed
Living Through Grief: Love Revealed
Parent-Child Memories: Love Revealed

Blissings, Dena

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  1. […] If you want to be inspired by the messages folks shared for Mother’s Day last month, take a look at the Mother’s Day weekend post. […]

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