Zesting: My Word for This Year

by dena on February 3, 2016

In early autumn, I asked into my heart, “What word might best support me in the next year?”

The question was a seed I cast forth with self-compassion, with the knowledge it would germinate in its own timing.

A few weeks later, I pondered other questions related to the first one.

How might I live life more fully? How did I wish to feel most of the time? I was aware of a strong desire to feel more alive. To reconnect to the passion of life. To serve a cause bigger than myself. There had been too much blah-low-grade-depression-ness. What could support me in making lasting changes?

At some later date, the word “zest” arose. Yes, I desired heaping helpings of Zest! Even so, it didn’t quite fit. An active word was what I needed. So, I played around with tacking an “ing” onto it. Zesting?

“Ooohh, I like it,” a delighted part of me exclaimed.

The sock puppets were quick to naysay, “It isn’t a proper word.” Hmmm. I chose to distract those sock puppets by inviting them to go off and do something they enjoy, such as napping or finger painting.

I told friends that I was sitting with the notion of Zesting until a strong inner Yes or No became clear.

By early December, Zesting was the definite choice. Actually, I feel now as if Zesting chose me!

Some of you may have joined in the recent #DecemberReflections challenge Susannah Conway hosted again on Instagram. I posted the following when the prompt “My Word for 2016” was offered on the last day of the month:

“Zesting. This self-styled word supports me as an energy and inspiration for moment-by-moment connecting with life’s passion. I felt an affinity with ‘zest’ – yet an active form is what I am embracing. Therefore . . . Zesting!”



From Instagram gallery, these were the 9 most "liked" of my photos I posted in 2015. (With gratitude to the folks at #bestnine for this free service) From my Instagram gallery, these were the 9 most “liked” of my photos I posted in 2015. (With gratitude to the folks at #bestnine for this free service.)



How Do I Jump-Start the Zesting When I’m Low on Oomph?

Here are a few strategies I’ve been engaging recently.

  • On Instagram, connecting with kindred hearts via posting our photography, written reflections, and discussions.
  • Exercising – a) regularly; and, b) even for a few minutes when I realize my motivation is dragging. (Over two months ago, I began a commitment to myself to take a minimum 10,000 steps daily. More than half the steps are on a rebounder. Now, often 12K+. Expect a post on this.)
  • Writing. (I am willing to remember to do 10-minute writing exercises. See posts on this here and here.)
  • Do . . . something!
  • Dance. Even by myself. Perhaps, especially by myself.


Do you have a guiding word for this year? You can choose one any time you wish.




Blissings, Dena

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