Compassion: How To Be More Compassionate

by dena on December 16, 2013


“Every day, think as you wake up,
Today I am fortunate to have woken up,
I am alive; I have a precious human life.
I am not going to waste it,
I am going to use all my energies to develop myself.
To expand my heart out to others,
To achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings,
I am going to have kind thoughts towards others,
I am not going to get angry, or think badly about others,
I am going to benefit others as much as i can.”

– H.H. The XIV Dalai Lama –

Compassion is connected to happiness. When you show compassion to others, and to yourself, there’s the trickle down effect where you will begin to feel the happiness that is tied to the action. Would you like to be more compassionate?

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Show Others Compassion:

“Like a mother who protects her child, her only child, with her own life, one should cultivate a heart of unlimited love and compassion towards all living beings.” 
– The Buddha

First, you must show compassion to others. Practicing to be more compassionate doesn’t require a huge life renovation but rather requires daily acts. We must develop compassion as a habit; help it to become an involuntary action that comes easily and no longer requires thinking about it (just like blinking). Daily acts you can incorporate include:

  • Forgive and forget.
  • Forget about making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  • Practice patience.
  • Help someone, and have no expectations.
  • Love unconditionally.

Remember to practice kindness as well. For 25 Random Acts of Kindness, please consider reading this article.

Show Yourself Compassion:

“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.”
– Christopher K. Germer


You must also show yourself compassion. Too often we are our own worst enemies. When you apply negativity to yourself, you may also end up displaying that negativity to those around you. Would you like to spend time with someone who is constantly putting themselves down and displaying other negative qualities? Of course not. Let’s not forget how this negativity affects your mood. After a while you may find yourself depressed and displeased with the world. Instead, incorporate self-compassion. Self-compassion can be cultivated, one act at a time. Our bullet points above from “Show Compassion To Others” also apply here, and remember to also incorporate these daily actions:

  • Compliment yourself and love yourself. Every last bit.
  • Forgive yourself for making mistakes.
  • Allow yourself time to grieve and feel vulnerable.
  • Enjoy your own company from time to time.
  • Take time to be grateful for everything you have.

If you need help reaching these goals, consider meditating; this will help to center yourself and focus. Please consider reading Meditation: The Simple Practice of Samyama for more tips.

Blissings, Dena

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