Legacy. What might we choose our legacies to be?

September 30, 2015

Legacy. This very word is the photo-&-text prompt for the final day in the lovely month long #talesofseptember challenge on Instagram, hosted by Tori, @toris_tales. What is a Legacy? When I think of the legacies left after those close to me have died, what impresses me most is how the lives of their loved ones […]

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Be Part of the #GoodNewsSharing Network of People

September 12, 2015

Do you wish the news media covered more good news stories? I have wished this for a long time. Recently, I discovered two resources of “good news” – and the idea for #GoodNewsSharing was born.       What is #GoodNewsSharing? It is an invitation for all of us to share positive personal, local, national, […]

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New Beginnings – How About September?

September 1, 2015

 Could you use a Fresh Start in some area of your life?   (I am  raising my hand!)   In recent weeks, I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about September as ripe for new beginnings. It’s the back-to-school time in the northern hemisphere. Maybe you have school aged children you helped get ready to […]

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Creativity Feeds My Heart

January 16, 2015

  Have you ever wished you were finding more time to make art or engage creativity in other ways? I know I have felt a greater sense of wellbeing, contentment, and happiness when I schedule time on a regular basis to take creative actions. Last week, I was one of many people who received an email asking us […]

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My Guiding Word This Year

January 8, 2015

Have you ever chosen a special word to bring you support? Recently, I heard of a group of people who were doing this, finding a word that carries a helpful meaning for you as you move into new endeavors. I joined a lovely mini email course Susannah Conway was offering to her readers as a gift, […]

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The Best Time to Make New Resolutions

January 1, 2015

Long ago, I used to make New Year’s Resolutions, along with friends and co-workers. No examples come to mind, and I certainly have no memory of being spectacularly successful at achieving some goal due to making myself a promise at the beginning of a new calendar year. In 1985, I was introduced to a new way […]

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More Gifts from the Heart: Give Experiences & Memories

December 13, 2014

Beyond today’s post, you might enjoy checking out more ideas for simple gifts from the heart: Gifts from the Heart  Gift Guide for Making Memories Bits of Magical Childhood Christmases   What gifts mean the most to you? I asked myself this question several months ago. Three favorites came to mind: 1) Experiences 2) Memories 3) […]

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11 Tweetable Quotes on Gratitude & Kindness

November 27, 2014

  A recent blog post by Liz Smith of The Connected Life, entitled My Happiness Comes from Me, prompted me to take an action. Rather than simply making the promise to myself, I chose to send Liz a note in the comment section of her post. I wanted her to witness my promise to do something new. […]

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A Mother’s Gifts to Her Daughter, Still Giving 70+ Years Later

November 21, 2014

  This is a story about a mother’s love for her daughter, and about gifts of celebration and compassion given through creative expression. It is also about a daughter still cherishing these gifts, still cherishing the mother who gave them, more than seventy years later. The first gift was a poem the mother wrote to mark […]

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What to Do When You Aren’t Happy with Your Thanksgiving Traditions

November 13, 2014

  Are you happy with your Thanksgiving traditions, as they are right now? Maybe you are. Your Thanksgiving holiday times might be exactly the way you like them. If not . . . For a moment, ask yourself, “Are there any changes I might make, if I could? if my actions wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings? What might I wish to add – or subtract […]

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